The 2002 song Hurt by Johnny Cash was a cover that had been previously release by Nine inch Nails in 1994. This was Johnny Cash's final release before his death. It was directed by Mark Romanek.
The video contains images of Cash's life from his early to late years. There are many images throughout the video that shows how his life had gone downhill. For example 'The House of Cash', a museum that was dedicated on Johnny Cash and his music, had a 'Closed To The Public' sign on the door. Inside the museum you see images of an empty place and a shattered record. This implies that his career is over. Cash Died months after filming this video.
The Video's genre is Personal, this is because the images are personal to Cash and the setting of the video was in his house of 30 years. It also contains a framed photo of Johnny Cash and his second wife 'June' also a country singer, and the woman that Cash fell in love with. You don't usually see home photos in music videos, this is a reason why it is a personal music video.
Cash has several reference's to religion throughout the video. This represents faith, however all of the references link to Jesus and his later life, for example 'The last Supper', Cash is sat at a table by himself surrounded by food usually eaten at occasions. There's also an image of Jesus carrying the cross. this could represent Cash giving up and facing the fact that it is all over.
At the end of the video you see Johnny Cash close the piano, this signifies the 'end'. Cash never released a video after this. However I personally believe he went out on a high, as this video is emotional and personal. It tells the audience his truthful feelings and how if he had the chance to change some of his previous actions he would. The video has a meaning and for a last one, I think it's brilliant.
Well done, Chloe. Good analysis.